Fight Club.

You walk out of most movies about mental illness and you think, "Wow, it must really suck to be Gilbert Grape." You walk out of Fight Club, however and you say to the guy next to you "Goddamn I wish I was half Tyler Durden", and he says "You need me. I look like you want to look, I act like you want to act, and I fuck like you want to fuck." Either that or "The first rule of Fight Club is that you don't talk about fight club." Why am I quoting the film? Why? Because Fight Club has a lot of the best dialogue ever! It has the coolest ideas (not a day goes past that I don't hanker to train an army of vigilantes in my basement) is any film! Edward Norton has the best fight scene in modern cinema! Brad Pitt is just fucking cool! "You wanna come in here and finish her off?" Oh my God what a cool thing to say! This film falls just shy of being the best film ever, simply for one reason. You want more. It doesn't leave you with a sense of perfect completeness. Still, a damn fine piece of cinema.